Saturday, July 25, 2015

QOV #1 ~ Project Sheets ~ Baby Quilt ~ Couch

Taryn over at "From Pixels to Patchwork" created some project sheets to help keep track of where you are on a certain quilt.

You can find the free downloads here - 

Going through my UFOs I found a Hunter's Star quilt that I know I started way back in 1994-95 when we lived in California. When I got it out I thought I would continue to make more blocks so it would fit our bed. After looking at it for awhile and reading my notes, amazed that the notes were still there, I realized there wasn't enough fabric to make 52 more blocks. 

I decided to finish it using the blocks I already had made and use it as a QOV. 

And the presentation case...

I also made a cute baby quilt out of blue and yellow flannel pre cut charms...
And the back, which is just too cute...

Bill decided that he might want a boat to use on our small lake (large pond). He went looking and came home with this couch - 
It has four recliners and 4 cup holders. It certainly isn't something I would buy. The price was really good ($450) and it was brand new. Never dreamed I would have a couch with cup holders!!!!!!! Though it does come in handy to hold my seam ripper! Bill loves it.

Going through more bins I came across a quilt started back in 2008. 

The top is half finished and a few of the remaining segments are complete. I have no desire to finish this one. This is a Bonnie Hunter pattern and I just happened to know of a Bonnie Hunter fan and this is on it's way to her! 

Really feels good to find new homes for some of the older quilts I no longer want to finish.

At the library this morning there are 9 patrons. All 9 of us are either using our own computers or the library computers. Guess I am not the only one who doesn't have the internet at their home in our county.

Fabric usage ~
fabric in ~ 0
fabric out ~ 16.62
used YTD ~ 60.68

Quilts Finished ~ 5 ~ each quilt will only be counted in one category
QOV ~ 1
RMH ~ 4
New ~


Shannon said...

That couch looks like it is for a home theater! Love your quilts this week. Did you see that your used YTD is 6068? Hmmm...that's quite a bit of fabric!

Libby in TN said...

I like what you are doing with your unwanted projects! Passing it on is equal to finished in my book.

Karen said...

Very pretty quilts. It always feels good to pass an unfinished project on instead of putting them back into the UFO pile. Someone is going to love the quilt.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Great quilts!! And great idea to just finish the hunters star.... but, um..... went looking for a boat and came home with a couch?? He is not wanting to sail the couch on your lake is he????? ;-)